Druzhba – Friendship          
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Travelling means to get to know one’s wrong believes about other countries. (Aldous Huxley 1894 – 1963)
Druschba song

               Start Druzhba 2020

This quote applies to Russia in particular – imagine all the stuff, which is thought, said and written about this country, its people, its culture, etc.

Dr. Rainer Rothfuß started the Druschba initiative and organized the first trip to Russia in 2016 together with Owe Schattauer.

Reinhold Groß was already on the Goldener Ring tour in 2017 and in 2018 he organized his own tour Black Sea Volga together with Inge Moser.

Every year in the summer a new tour is planned – Friendship creates peace!

The trips are privately organized – they serve the purpose of international understanding.

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